Tee Ball Division

General Division Information


The Tee Ball program is a co-ed program for children ages 4 & 5. This division is instructional – all players are given the opportunity to play each position.

This division typically meets once a week for a 1 3/4-hour session, consisting of 45 minutes of practice and one hour of game time.

During the 45-minute practice the "away" team will take the infield first, while the "home" team practices in the outfield. After 30 minutes, the two sides switch. This leaves the "home" team on the field ready to play. The "away" team should stop practice a little early to get back to the dugout and get the batter ready to hit before game start time.

One hour for game time typically allows two complete innings. Scores and statistics are not kept. A full inning should always be played. If time allows, subsequent innings can be played but with modified rules to speed up the game.


I. Roster Batting

a.     The lineup includes all players present that day.
b.     If a player leaves or gets injured, their spot in the order will simply be passed over.
c.     Players who arrive late can be added anywhere in the lineup.

2. No outs are recorded

3. 1/2 an inning is a full batting order

4. Last batter gets to hit a "Home Run"

a.     All players on base will advance to home without stopping.

5. Last Batting Position must change every inning

6. No stealing

7. No leading

8. No head-first slides


1. All players must play every position over the course of the season

a.     Outfield is considered one position.

2. Only five players in the infield

a.     Players should rotate positions every inning.
b.     The pitching mound should have a "pitcher".

3. All other players are in the outfield

a.     Outfield is considered one position.
b.  Outfielders must be on the outfield grass.
c.    No limit to the number of outfielders.
d.     Outfielders should be spread evenly across the outfield.